PowerTCP Mail for .NET
MailMessage Constructor(String,String,FileInfo[])

Used to initialize Multipart.Text (Parts[0]). If null or empty no Textpart is created.
Used to initialize Multipart.Html (Parts[1]). If null or empty an ArgumentNullException is thrown.
Used to initialized a "multipart/related" part (Parts[1]) that provides linked embedded resources referenced by Multipart.Html.
Initializes Parts with new Textpart, Htmlpart and linked Resource parts.
Public Function New( _
   ByVal text As String, _
   ByVal html As String, _
   ByVal htmlResources() As FileInfo _
Dim text As String
Dim html As String
Dim htmlResources() As FileInfo
Dim instance As New MailMessage(text, html, htmlResources)
public MailMessage( 
   string text,
   string html,
   FileInfo[] htmlResources
public: MailMessage( 
   string* text,
   string* html,
   FileInfo*[]* htmlResources
   String^ text,
   String^ html,
   array<FileInfo^>^ htmlResources


Used to initialize Multipart.Text (Parts[0]). If null or empty no Textpart is created.
Used to initialize Multipart.Html (Parts[1]). If null or empty an ArgumentNullException is thrown.
Used to initialized a "multipart/related" part (Parts[1]) that provides linked embedded resources referenced by Multipart.Html.
System.ArgumentExceptionhtmlResources missing reference to an HTML link.
System.ArgumentNullExceptionhtml cannot be null or empty.

This constructor is used to create HTML email. "multipart/alternative" and/or "multipart/related" parts are created to represent the parameters provided.

If text is null or empty, then html and htmlResources are used to create either a "text/html" part or a "multipart/related" part that contains a "text/html" part. Otherwise, Part.ContentType is set to "multipart/alternative" and 2 parts are created and saved in Parts.

If htmlResources is null, then html is represented as a single Htmlpart. Otherwise, a new "multipart/related" Multipart is created and initialized with html and linked htmlResources.

This example demonstrates creating a new MailMessage and populating it with HTML that references local files, such as a "Webpage, complete (*.htm;*.html)" as saved by Internet Explorer.
private MailMessage getMessageFromHtml(string pathToHtml, string pathToHtmlResources, string from, string to, string subject, bool includeTextPlain)
    //Note: to load a .mht (Mime HTML) file, use MailMessage.Open() instead.

    //Load HTML
    string html;
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathToHtml))
        html = sr.ReadToEnd();

    //Initialize a MailMessage object. includeTextPlain controls whether the message should include a text/plain part 
    //(which determines whether the message is multipart/alternative (when true) or multipart/related (when false))
    string textPlain = (includeTextPlain) ? "text/plain representation of included HTML" : null;
    MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage(textPlain, html, new DirectoryInfo(pathToHtmlResources).GetFiles());

    //Set sender, recipients and subject
    mailMsg.From = from;
    mailMsg.To = to;
    mailMsg.Subject = subject;
    return mailMsg;
Private Function getMessageFromHtml(ByVal pathToHtml As String, ByVal fromAddress As String, ByVal toAddress As String, ByVal subject As String) As MailMessage
     'Note: to load a .mht (Mime HTML) file, use MailMessage.Open() instead.

     'Load HTML
     Dim sr As New StreamReader(pathToHtml)
     Dim html As String = sr.ReadToEnd()

     'Initialize a MailMessage object. includeTextPlain controls whether the message should include a 
     'text/plain part (which determines whether the message is multipart/alternative (when true) or multipart/related (when false))
     Dim textPlain As String = If(includeTextPlain, "text/plain representation of included HTML", Nothing)
     Dim mailMsg As New MailMessage(textPlain, html, New DirectoryInfo(pathToHtmlResources).GetFiles())

     'Set sender, recipients and subject
     mailMsg.From = fromAddress
     mailMsg.To = toAddress
     mailMsg.Subject = subject
     Return mailMsg
End Function
See Also


MailMessage Class
MailMessage Members
Overload List

PowerTCP Mail for .NET Documentation Version 4.3
© 2018 Dart Communications. All Rights Reserved.
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